Change of company name and new bank details | CERTEX Germany

Change of company name and new bank details

We have some news for you: We are pleased to announce our new company name. I nthe course of our successful growth, on 01.05.2021 Certex Lfiting & Service GmbH will become:

Certex Hebetechnik GmbH

VAT No.: DE340892030

Headquarters of the company: Meerbusch

District Court Neuss: HRB 21614

From now on we also have new bank details:


IBAN:DE79 5004 0000 0311 9419 00


The bank account you are familiar with at the Svenska Handelsbank will expire on 30.4.2021.

All general terms and conditions as well as terms and conditions of sale and delivery etc. remain valid without change. Furthermore, the address you know remains unaffected by the change of name, only the company name has changed.

We kindly ask you to use the new company name from now on in our business correspondence and to adapt it in your system.

We thank you for the trust you have placed in us and look forward to further cooperation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Your Certex Team