Discard a chain sling

Repair and inspection of chain slings

Chain slings are utilized when there's a need for wear resistance and durability. They offer flexibility, ease of shortening, a variety of components to choose from, resistance to high temperatures, and convenient storage. 

Before each use, it's important to inspect chain slings for any obvious signs of deterioration. If there's any doubt about the sling's safe condition at any point, it should be taken out of service and thoroughly examined. 

A comprehensive examination involves a visual check conducted by a competent individual and, if necessary, supplemented with other methods such as measurement or testing to identify any damage or deterioration that could impact the sling's suitability for use. 

Records of these examinations should be kept. Any damaged slings should be promptly removed from service.

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Inspection and possible defects

Inspection and Identification of Defects An annual inspection should be conducted by a qualified individual. Additional inspections may be required based on operating conditions. Prior to inspection, chain slings should be cleaned thoroughly to remove oil, dirt, and rust. Any cleaning method that does not harm the base metal is acceptable. Methods involving acids, overheating, metal removal, or metal manipulation that could conceal cracks or surface defects should be avoided. If the following defects are observed, the chain sling must be promptly removed from service for maintenance and repair: 

  • Illegible markings (identification and/or lifting capacity specifications) on the chain sling 
  • Deformation of links on the hook or load sides 
  • Stretched chain 
  • Restricted movement of the chain links 
  • Wear 
  • Cuts, indentations, grooves, incipient cracks, excessive corrosion, bent or twisted links or other faults 
  • Signs of widening hooks, i.e. noticeably wider jaw opening or other deformations in the hook end.

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