Our Service for You: Human & Digital
Maximum functional safety and reliability are of great importance in lifting technology. We offer testing & certification for your lifting requirements. We draw on many years of CERTEX Lifting KnowHow and also offer you digital testing procedures.
We offer tests for the following products:
- Slings (magnetic crack resistance test)
- Lifting gear
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Ladders & steps
- Shelving
A maintenance agreement guarantees you the certainty that necessary inspections will be carried out on time. Our specialists can inspect your lifting gear on site, or inspect your lifting beams, steel wire ropes and other load handling equipment and hoists and repair them if necessary. Simply and quickly make an appointment with one of our qualified service technicians. By the way: At CERTEX, you can also make use of digital rope testing by MRT. This can save you a lot of time, even with very long ropes, thanks to automatic testing.

MT testing - Magnetic particle method in lifting technology
The MT test (magnetic particle method) is an essential test method in lifting technology to ensure the safety and reliability of chains and other load handling equipment.
In view of the high stresses and safety-relevant functions of chains in lifting technology, regular inspection of the chain links for surface cracks using the magnetic particle method is essential. This procedure is required by law and serves to ensure that the chains meet the high requirements and safety standards.
During the MT test, the chain is placed in a magnetic field and then coated with a fine iron powder. The magnetization makes cracks and other surface defects clearly visible, as the iron powder collects on these irregularities. This inspection enables the precise identification of potential weak points that could remain undetected during a visual inspection.
Mobile Service
The directives require an annual inspection of all cranes and load handling devices by a qualified person. CERTEX offers professional and competent testing nationwide. With our extensively equipped test vehicles, we carry out the tests directly on your premises. After completion of the test, you will receive detailed documentation that serves as proof for the responsible authorities and organizations. The equipment of our test vehicles makes it possible to carry out test loads or repair work immediately. In our vehicles there is also a small stock of the usually required spare parts.
CertMax+ is our online database from CERTEX for managing products and equipment that are subject to regular inspection and monitoring, such as slings, shackles and other lifting equipment.
CertMax+ supports the identification of your slings using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Identification using a barcode or a manually assigned part number is also possible. In addition, you can access CertMax+ with any browser, iPad, iPhone or Android smartphone - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
CertMax+ provides you with information on the status of your equipment - operational or non-operational. CertMax+ gives you access to the relevant reports and certificates for your equipment. Everything is available around the clock.
You can access the CertMax+ login portal here. If you have any questions, you can download our instructions directly
Wir erhöhen Sicherheit durch Service
Die Unfallverhütungsvorschriften (UVV) der deutschen gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung sieht verpflichtend eine jährliche Prüfung aller Ihrer Hebezeuge, Krane, Last- und Anschlagmittel sowie persönlicher Schutzausrüstung gegen Absturz vor. Seit vielen Jahren führen unsere zertifizierten Servicetechniker Prüfungen nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften und der Hersteller durch.
Gemäß der Vorgabe der deutschen gesetzlichen Unfallversicherungen (DGUV), der Betriebssicherheitsverordnung sowie dem Arbeitsschutzgesetz ist jeder Arbeitgeber verpflichtet, die Gesundheit seiner Mitarbeiter zu erhalten und auch Dritte nicht zu gefährden.
Durch die regelmäßige Prüfung und Wartung Ihrer Anschlagmittel, Traversen oder andere Hebezeuge tragen Sie maßgeblich zur Sicherheit Ihres Betriebs als auch unmittelbar Ihrer Mitarbeiter bei. Mit CERTEX haben Sie die Möglichkeit auf eine regelmäßige und fachmännische Prüfung und Wartung Ihrer Krane und Lastaufnahmeeinrichtungen.